Making and working the plan

Making the plan

Making and working the plan

create Gina Dunn watch_later November 16th, 2020

Dream big. It will be fun. Well, at times, that's the case but now always. Sometimes it's just freaking scary thoughts..."What if we fail?" "People like us don't achieve things like that." "I can't see clearly how this works out." However, let's take another approach. Instead of letting those thoughts run around in your head in fun little circles, grab a pen and some paper. Open up the timer on your phone. It's about time we sat down and looked at this vision.

High Five: Five tips for making it happen

Get Still

Chill out. Take a seat, any seat. Stop running from you. Yes, you are running. Are you mindlessly doing any of the following...scrolling through the internet, watching tv, playing video games, socializing, overeating or drinking? Then yes, you might be running from yourself and what you want to see in the world. Instead, set your timer to five minutes just to daydream and imagine.

Write it down

Now let's write it out. What is the legacy you want to leave? Write the story you want to be your life. Who are you helping? Paint the picture of how you want to feel and others to feel. Let's keep it positive. How did you raise yourself from low points along the way? When did you say enough is enough to get you moving? Your dreams might be different than your current reality, but that doesn't mean they're impossible in some form or fashion.

Act courageously

We all have wants and dreams but also fears. What if we fail? It'll hurt, and then we'll get back up. Pretty sure something did not work out yesterday, yet here we are. What will people say? Probably a lot. Are they encouraging you? Challenging your weak excuses as to why you think you can't? Are they providing info to help you move in the direction you want to go? If not, say thanks and keep it moving. Finally, if you're asking yourself, who am I to try to do, this…you'll find out when you get there. Keep going.

Look up

You're going to get tired, scared, and maybe even hungry (for actual food.) Sorry, I never said this was going to be easy. But look up. Then look forward to the vision you pictured and wrote down. However, even when tired, scared, and with a pang in your stomach, it's hard to give up on a better future. Real hard. However, when things get wild, remember your future is waiting.

Share it.

You can share a freshly made cupcake with someone. If they complain, you can snatch it back and say no cupcake for you then. Unfortunately, that's not how dreams and goals work. You can't snatch that vision back. You can't snatch back the fear and lack of confidence that has started to well up inside. At least not immediately. So, when we share our dreams, we need to do so with intention. Share them only with people who can encourage, who can provide constructive feedback, or with individuals who have successfully gone where you're going.

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