Going Forward

Feed the Flames

Going Forward

create Gina Dunn watch_later February 16th, 2021

You ever tried to achieve something but didn’t know what you were doing? You kept running into obstacles, but you knew there was a way? That’s the reality of having a goal, a dream, or a vision. When you feel like giving up but don’t, that’s when the magic starts to happen. Sometimes it’s everything you always wanted. Other times it’s just enough to keep you going. Check out the 5 Tips below for Keeping the Dream Alive.

High Five: Your 5 Tips for Keeping the Dream Alive.

Hold On To It and Own it

Whatever you’re trying to achieve, own it. Own, as in something you want and something you can have. It saves time and energy to keep believing. Of course, you’ll have moments, but know your dreams are possible. Let your belief in the possibility be what keeps you going.

Know That Help is On the Way

When you keep going, many times help shows up. The help might not be how we want it to show up, but it does show up. Sometimes, it’s the no (when we wanted a yes) that forces us to seek alternatives. At other times, help shows up in an unrelated conversation, a random thought, or precisely what we needed and how we wanted it.

Let Go a Little

It’s good to know what you want. It’s even better to take action towards your goals and dreams. Just keep in mind that you’ve got blind spots, and you never know how life will change in the process. Don’t put too many stipulations on how you are going to get there. Trying to control too much can leave you stagnant and stuck. Let go a little.

Don’t Box Yourself In

Be committed to what you want and know that it’s possible, but know that it’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to upgrade your goals on the road to success. By upgrade, I mean whatever works for you. But don’t fall too quickly for the impossibility trap. Some dreams are impossible, but not many.

Recognize the Relativity

I’m guilty of thinking that most of us dream too small. Then I remember success is relative. It’s relative to each person. Also, know that your idea of success is relatively small compared to the reality of it. Right now, your goal may be to have a great job or a successful business. I believe you can obtain it but I also believe the impact of obtaining it is better than you can imagine.

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