Is this It?

Question your Mondays

Is this It?

create Gina Dunn watch_later February 16th, 2021

When you look around at your life, is this what you want? We spend a lot of time getting that job or starting that business, but neither exists in a vacuum. Life is too short to arrive at a destination one day and wonder how did I get here. It would help if we had a strategy. And while things like dreams, goals, and visions sound woo-woo. Every strategy starts with just that…dreams, goals and visions.

Your 5 Tips for a Reality and Vision Check

It's On You.

In this case, value is a verb. Our time is limited, and whenever we’re devoting our time to one thing, that means we’re not doing something else. So, remember that the next time you make time for someone else and vice versa. Most things you can get back, including money, followers, customers. But time, it’s gone forever. Don’t waste it.

Find Out.

When we go in with the answers, we don’t get any answers. When we go in being closed off, nothing gets in. This includes people and opportunities. Instead, be an explorer and maybe even just an observer. See what life has to offer. The possibilities are endless only if we’re open to them.

No Excuses.

Appreciation means a lot to many of us. Sometimes it’s verbal. We can say thank you to friends and family who have supported us. Heck, you could even make new friends by saying thank you to people who have helped you in some way they didn’t even realize. But as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

Sit Down to Rise Up.

We're not talking about transactions or the “I did this for you, and you owe me.” It’s not about keeping a list of who owes you or limiting your giving based on what you can get. We're talking about reciprocity, which is rooted in gratitude. Don’t take so much without giving that others feel unappreciated. Don’t give so much without taking that you teach people not to appreciate you or others.

Make Monday Moves.

Everyone will have different experiences. Live those experiences yourself. Listen to the stories of others, especially if they are encouraging. But remember, what is for you is for you, and that’s not just about your goals. It’s about the journey and the experiences that you and possibly only you will have.

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